

Sample Essay

8 March 2025
Read a sample essay for UChicago Summer Enrichment Program.


Why did you choose this enrichment program? How are the goals of this program or the topics covered related to your current interests and future plans? Please be as specific as possible, and if you wish to be considered for more than one program, make sure your response covers each of the programs you
chose. (Limit 500 words.)

Sample Essay

8 March 2025
Read a sample essay for UChicago Summer Enrichment Program.

"Since its founding, the University has been committed to the idea that a culture of rigorous inquiry requires an environment where diverse perspectives, experiences, groups of individuals, and ideas inform and stimulate intellectual exchange, challenge, and engagement." -UChicago Office of the Provost. How does your perspective, experience or background contribute to our culture of inquiry in this program? What do you hope to gain by engaging with peers from all over the U.S. or from different parts of the world? (Limit: 300 words)

Here's why you should support small businesses

8 March 2025
A small business is a local enterprise that plays a vital role in the community, providing jobs, goods and services that meet the unique needs of its customer. Here's why we should encourage: